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Thank you again Danira Cancinos for your ideas and for sharing 🥰🥰🥰 the family loved them!!!!
Irene Garcia
Super thankful for having such an amazing instructor🧡💛 Danira Cancinos 🧡💛 this was my first attempt and pretty happy with the results 🥰 and first time making the whipped cream too🙌🙌🙌
Gwendollin Mo
I am so grateful for this class! Thank you Danira. This is my first batch of cheesecake ever and they are thanksgiving dinner ready ❤️
Andrea Rivera
First one I sold after giving it out as a sample. They loved it and this is my new favorite cheesecake as well. Oreo was my favorite but this is amazing🤤🤤🤤🤤
Bianca Espinosa
My first attempt making these beautiful and delicious hot Cocoa cheesecakes, tbh I was nervous, I have never make a cheesecake before, and I was pretty happy and proud of my self with the results 😀🎉!!
Mari Roman