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I love to share what I know because I’ve been where you are. I started my successful baking business in 2012 and learned a lot along the way. Now I teach small business owners like you how to achieve the same. I’ve taught over 1000 students since 2018 and can’t wait to teach many more!
I help you build your confidence and to believe in the product you are selling and in yourself.
I teach you how to take your treats to the next level to bring in more customers and ultimately more money! Yass!!
View Classes
Ready to take your business to the next level?
Here are some free trainings to get you started.
Having a hard time with melting your chocolate?
Thick chocolate? Elephant skin? Check out this free class, where we talk all about candy melts!
Are you lost when it comes to pricing?
Don’t know where to start? What goes into it? In this free video training, I help you get started!
Do you feel the market is oversaturated?
You feel you there’s not enough room for you in this industry? Check out this video, where we talk about how to stand out in this industry!
Are cake pops your biggest enemy?
They keep falling off the stick? I have the perfect class for you! Over 1000 students have taken this class. The community is amazing!
Enroll in Cake Pops 101!What students are saying...

Up level your baking and treat making skills now!
Shop All Classes!Questions? Contact [email protected]